Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Kids Today, With Their Crazy Fashion "Sense"

I hate to say it, because it makes me sound old, but kids wear some crazy shit in this day and age, and in public too. That just makes it worse! Sure, most of the time I like the adult looking stuff for cute kids, but I'm talking pre-teens emulating Christina Aguilera circa "Dirty" here.

For instance, last night at a certain local, large, blue super center, I saw a girl. She couldn't have been more than 15. She was wearing.... Pajama bottoms, the pant kind, pink with some kind of print; a pink tank top that barely came below her chest; a navel piercing; and what appeared to be a faux suede winter jacket with sheepswool lining. Picture that if you will.

It was the only time I ever openly stared at a person's attire, well aside from the characters dressed up in theme parks. This counts Halloween as well. It was atrocious. Even worse, I believe she caught me staring, and what did she do? She laughed. SHE WAS AMUSED! It's not funny to look like a cheap underage hooker little girl, because that's exactly what you looked like. You looked like it was 3 A.M. and you were just coming from a job, stopping off to get milk, and maybe donuts on the way home.

I don't understand the preteens' obsession with looking like a little tramp. I really don't. There are better ways to look cute, and flirty, and even sexy. And contrary to Cher in Clueless, you don't need to show that much skin. That is just ridiculous. Who's to blame? The media? The popstars? The clothing companies? NO. I say the mother and the father. They should put their foot down. Either don't buy the clothes, or don't let them out of the house wearing it. The worst part is the girl was with her mother.


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