Tuesday, November 16, 2004

E-Bay Will Be Our Downfall

First, I should say I'm back from my hiatus. It took longer than I thought due to illness and other commitments but I'm back.

Now, E-Bay has had some very strange things on it in it's time. Chewed up pieces of Britney gum, Ashlee Simpson's cell phone number, and more recently, grilled cheese sandwiches resembling the Virgin Mary.

The question is, why would anyone sell this stuff. Why would anyone save a piece of Britney's gum in the first place? Sure, she's a celebrity, but it's got germs on it! Also, ew, you don't know where her mouth has been. Someone Ashlee trusted enough to give her cell phone number should definately not be selling it.

And a grilled cheese sandwich? I don't care if it resembles George Bush or Ghandi, I'm eating it. Chances are when I made it, I was hungry, and it takes a while to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Sure, I'd take a picture first, but I'd then eat it. These people must be either twisted or desperate for cash.

An even better question is who buys this stuff? I site the afore mentioned germs as a reason to not buy Britney's gum. As for Ashlee's number, how about a little respect for her privacy? She'd appreciate it. And the grilled cheese sandwich, well, I don't even want to touch on.

Sure, E-Bay is great for selling things like collectables, and clocks, and jewlery and even cars and props from films. However, sometimes a line must be drawn, somethings are just too darn weird.


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